I certainly made the most of my day off. I spent the morning working on my sample overnight bag. I got to a point where I'm stuck and will have to bring it to work with me on Wednesday to get tips on where I'm stuck.
But, that didn't stop me from switching creative gears. On Saturday night I was Googling crochet stitch markers and found directions to make them. I have plenty of beads and thread from when I thought I wanted to add beads to my quilts. All I needed to buy was lever back earrings. I got those at work yesterday, a package of four for 90 cents. Before lunch today I whipped up a set of stitch markers for me.

If you're thinking to yourself, "those brown beads look like coffee beans." You're right! They are coffee bean beads. Not real coffee beans, but sure look like coffee beans. They came in an assortment of beads I bought from E-Bay.
Here are the stitch markers when they are being used in a crochet project. I think they are cute. I can make a couple more with coffee beads, but I have to buy more lever earrings.

After lunch I was cutting out a pair of shorts for Mr. E and talking on-line with my DIL. She asked me if I could make a lunch bag for Mr. E to use at his new day care. I thought about it for a few minutes and decided I could make one up quickly. Off I went to my studio, grabbed the necessary fabric and a couple hours later I finished his new lunch bag. I bet no other child will have a lunch bag like his!

Now for the
I am at Post 496 and near my four year blogiversary. If someone had told me four years ago today that I would be at this point, I would have laughed. But, here I am!
A lot has changed in my creative life since I started writing my blog four years ago. I've gone beyond bed and baby quilts to sewing bags and clothes. I gave away all my DMC floss one summer only to start embroidering six months later. Finding a $20 Christmas cross stitch kit for less than $3 brought me back to cross stitching. Mr. E needing a baptism afghan led me back to crocheting and playing with yarn. I've always loved cooking, but reading cooking blogs have expanded my cooking and meal repertoire.
I want to thank everyone who stops by to read and perhaps leave a comment or two. I have made many new friends and I cherish every one of you. One gift bag isn't enough. So . . . drum roll please . . . I will be giving away five gift bags! Over the next five posts I will highlight one gift package and why it is important to me. To enter the drawing for the gift package, simply leave a comment and tell me what you would do with the items in the package. If you are a follower of my blog, tell me how you follow it - through Bloglines, through Google Reader, or whatever program you use. On April 1, my actual blogiversary, I will draw 5 winners, one for each gift. You can enter every drawing, but I will only accept one entry per reader per drawing.
There you have it, the
BIG NEWS. I hope you check back tomorrow for the first gift package.
I'm off to crochet a row or two on my jacket. Then a hot shower and a good sleep. Mr. E will be here tomorrow, plus my niece and nephew will be here for the afternoon. Another fun filled day here at Coffee Time Stitches!
Sweet P