I'm still trying to find a fabric for the 25-patch block in my Gratitude quilt. I have lots of purple fabric. I have lots of green fabric. I have NO green and purple fabric.
Tonight I called in my emergency fabric chooser - my DH. Bruce has a terrific sense of color and has never let me down when I've asked him for his suggestions. I showed him what I wanted to do and what my dilemma was. He dug through my FQ drawer (and yes he kept it somewhat neat) and chose a marbled red piece. "It makes it look like a Christmas quilt," he said. At first I didn't like it, but after looking at it for a few moments I think I like it. The red provides the spark I was looking for in the block. What do you think?
I sewed a few more inches of the binding on my Contrary Quarters quilt. I need to get it done before my BIL starts his new job next week. But no more for me tonight. I'm tired and I'm off to bed. The temps are going to be in the 20's tonight. Our coldest night this fall. Winter is on it's way and I can't wait!
I think hubby is right---the red works!
yep -- I think you've got a winner!
Love the red! What a great idea. Cool that your husband gets involved.
Adding the red makes it !!!!!!
Oh, yes, I LIKE it! What a clever husband you've got...
I like this choice the best...it really pops! Your DH is a keeper...
Red always works for me -- he made an excellent pick.
Good pick.
fabulous red, just caught up with you, we are doing this together, how lucky are you having a UFo half way there!! Ours will look v. different. Aint quilting fun! PS handy hubby too!
That color of purple looks good with the red. The right gold would have, also.
good choice. Looks good with the other fabrics.
I agree with hubby. yep, he done good!
I love it with the red too! You are a braver woman than I. I could never sit by and watch my husband go through the fabric stash... *shudder* I hate to think of the damage the Deputy could do...
Happy Quilting!
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