This is how I looked as a senior. I'm the full photo on the left. I hate my high forehead in this photo. Since then I've always worn bangs. I was busy in high school: band, choir, American Field Service (foreign exchange student group), Spanish club and Declamation (speech competition).

Here I am in the middle photo - top left. The girl standing next to me was one of my best friends in high school. When I got married for the first time in 1982 she was one of my bridesmaids. Now she's a teacher in the school district we attended. One of my nieces had her as a teacher in elementary school.

And speaking of old boyfriends there are two of them in this photo. The one on the left in the light sweater was my boyfriend in 7th grade. After we broke up he dated another one of my best friends. Last I heard he was an architect and still lives in the area. The boy in dark sweater is old boyfriend's best friend. The 3 of us hung out a lot in high school. The boy tucked in the bottom of the photo is my ex-husband. He was a year behind me in high school.

What memories do you have of old boyfriends?
Sweet P
Sweet P, were you an exchange student. My dd was an AFS girl to Belgium years ago. We hosted two boys for a year each. Your studio looks pretty good to me.
I graduated in 1979 too! Does that make us old? I don't think so. :o) One of my favorite old boyfriend memories involves a quilt. I made a quilt in 7th grade home ec. I wasn't very good about removing all the pins and quite a few got sewn into the quilt. I lent it to my boyfriend when he left for college. When I broke up with him a few years later, he kept the quilt...but I was so angry with him that I didn't care...and I was so glad that I left all those pins in there!
wow, we're all pretty much the same age. I graduated in '80. I don't know if I'm brave enough to look for my yearbook and post a pic
I also graduated in '80. My old boyfriend from highschool and I were in college together also.
He married someone else but I'd still like to see him.
My class was '78 - I haven't kept up with anyone from those days . . . in my mind they are all still there doing the same things we did 30 years ago.
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