This summer I've started buying new and bolder jewelry, but not new clothes. No real reason to at first. Until this weekend. DH said he needed to go clothes shopping for new dress slacks, shirts and ties. Since we were going shopping on our way to Boston to see Neil Diamond I had a chance to look at some new clothes.
We are attending a friend's wedding next weekend in Washington, DC and I half-heartedly thought about getting a new dress. Little did I know what I was going to find . . .
A little red dress:

What do you suppose is in the box?

Wouldn't this tie make a great quilt? Actually there were a lot of ties that would make great quilts. The next time I need some quilting inspiration, I'm going to stroll through a few tie racks.

Neil Diamond? He was awesome! Anyone who is Boston Red Sox fan knows that during the 7th inning stretch Sweet Caroline is always played and the crowd always joins in the chorus:
Sweet Caroline - ba ba ba
Good times never felt so good (yell loud) "So Good, So Good, So Good"
etc., etc.
It was so incredibly awesome to see and hear Neil open the concert with the song and then sing it again halfway through the concert.
I can't believe August is almost over. Where did the summer go? I'm ready for fall though. It is my favorite season of the year. Between the leaves changing colors and football I'll be heaven for a few months.
Sweet P
Heels . . . ever since I left the work world, I have avoided them like the devil *s*
You're going to be gorgeous in your new splendor. Congratulations to your husband.
Ooh, la, la....I love your red. Especially those pretty heels.
These days heels are a short term thing for me. Love how they look and how they make my legs look. Hate how they make my feet feel. LOL
Have you ever seen a quilt made from old ties? Somewhere in my past, I've seen one. Kinda fun and funky, depending on the taste of the former tie owner. GRIN
OH my, I would fall all over myself in those shoes - but they sure are pretty. Nice selections!
Now that is going to be one stiking outfit. Your hubby will look good in his new attire also. congrats on the win, money, and trophy. Have a good time at the wedding.
I absolutely cannot wear heels. Bad feet and knees. I have one artificial knee so no heels for me-ever!
Oh, those shoes are gorgeous! How hard to I have to beg to get the make/model?
And not to bury the lead here, but hey - you have lovely ankles!
I love your peek-a-boo pumps! You go girl! Now make sure you actlally leave the hotel room and make it to the wedding. I don't know how you're going to keep the poker players paws off of you in that sexy get-up! (wink,wink!) Have fun!
Stunning! You are going to be such a knock out! It feels great to buy new clothes and exciting to go with a different style than the norm. Have a great time at the wedding.
Foot Fetish people watch out Sweet P is going out. Those are the most darling peek a boo shoes ever! Enjoy the night out with all your finery!!!
We have gone to see Neil Diamond several times when he is in the Phoenix area. He puts on such a great show and the people just enjoy it so much that you can just feel the excitement! Lucky you!!
I'm sooooooo jealous......going to see Neil Diamond, I've loved him since I was a teenager.
Three cheers for being "reddy" for a new look!!! Love Tracey
You're new dress and heels are going to be the hit of the wedding! A new outfit now and then is just the thing to make you feel like a million bucks.
You had me singing along with Sweet Caroline...sounds like an awesome concert!
As a shoe fanatic I just loooove your red shoes! I can't wear heals anymore and I only have one dress in the closet. Can't wear nice clothes to work -- too much bronze dust. Red is a neutral, you know.
Ooh, but such nice shoes!
Loz in Oz
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