Random Thought #1
Do you have foods from your childhood that you can't find so easily now? For me, it's Tuna Salad made with Creamette Macaroni Rings. It's the rings that make the salad so yummy. It clumps great on the spoon and always reminds of summertime in Minnesota. In the winter I crave Malt-O-Meal, preferably chocolate, served hot with a dollop of marshmallow fluff on top. I have been known to come home from visiting family in Minnesota with one or both foods tucked in my suitcase or carry on bag.
Random Thought #2
Are both of your feet the same size? I always assumed mine were. That is until I started wearing footlets this summer. It seems my left foot is a smudge larger than my right foot. No matter which footlet I put on my left foot it always slides down.
Random Thought #3
Do you do laundry every day or once a week? I do mine every Tuesday. Why Tuesday? That was the day my grandma and grandpa did laundry using one of these:

Random Thought #4
If you do your laundry all in one day, do you do the loads in a certain order? Here is the order I do mine: bedding, towels, underwear and socks, lights, darks and then all the pants.
Random Thought #5
When you are sewing or knitting or creating are you a process person or a project person? I define a project person as one who makes one, maybe two projects at a time. They won't start another project until one is done. A process person is someone who loves to plan, shop for and then make the project. They may have several projects going at once. For them, it's all about the creative process.
As for me, I'm a process creator. I love to plan out a project. I often rewrite a pattern and doodle it out before I start cutting the fabric or prepping the canvas. I truly love sitting and working on a project. I often feel "let down" when I finish a project. Perhaps that's why I have so many WIPs.
Do you have any Random Thoughts for today?