I've been working on a few projects trying to get them done before we go on vacation next week and then the Knit and Crochet Show.
I recently showed a stack of granny squares I was crocheting. This is what they became - a Blooming Granny Squares Bag from Margaret Hubert's new book:
The Complete Photo Guide to Crochet. The blocks were fun to stitch and the whole bag didn't take long to make. I need to make a lining and sew on a handle and it will be ready to use.

The back side

I mentioned a scarf I'm crocheting using Mochi Plus yarn. I'm following Nancy's Waves Scarf pattern on
Ravelry. The yarn is perfect for the pattern. It's another quick and easy project. Although I've run out of yarn and need to buy at least one more ball of yarn to finish it.

Here's a close up of the stitches. Isn't this pattern cool?

I'm desperately trying to finish the quilts I started 18 months ago for DS #2 and his GF. The first one only needs binding. The second one needs to be tied and then bound. Hopefully they will get done before we leave to see them on vacation.

We have been watching World Cup and are excited to watch the US/Ghana game tomorrow. Are you watching futbol too?
Sweet P
Hey Paula, great project you have going there! Good for you! My husband has been following the soccer games since he was in the hospital and now home recuperating. He says it's the perfect sport to nap through since you can fall asleep for a little while and when you wake up you haven't missed anything!
Enjoy your weekend!
mmm, very cold here, your summmer post looks inviting, some very cute crocheting happening there! Tracey
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