DH and I use a one gallon Sangria jar for tossing our loose change into when we empty our pockets. We save the money to use on our vacations. Since we are going on vacation next week it was time to cash in the change. So in honor of emptying the jar, going on vacation and just because I can, I'm having a contest.
Can you guess how much money is in the jar? Send me your guesses and the person with the closest guess will win a goodie bag from me. I will take guesses until Wednesday, August 1 and will post the winner on Thursday, August 2. Let's see if anyone can guess how much extra "fun" money we get for vacation.
In other news Carole sent me these wonderful goodies and cute pattern. She is sharing her Australian chocolates and I'm so thrilled. The chocolates are/were yummy. The snowman pattern has earned a place in line on my To Make list.
I have emailed out the swap partners for the Stitchery Swap. Let me know if you signed up and didn't get your partner. Feel free to post your progress on your stitchery project. But let's keep our partners secret, OK?
I'm extra excited today because the New England Patriots started training camp. I LOVE football and soon the games will start. Football season finds me spending all day Sunday watching games so I must start working on building up my hand work projects. Now that I do stitcheries I bet I'll get lots of projects done this season.
Since it's not quite full and it includes pennies I'm going to guess $500.00
I am going to guess 350.00. I usually am not very good at this sort of thing but will try. Have a great vacation. I like the idea. I mught have to do this for next year.
Well, this one will be off the wall but I'm thinking some where around $278......
What a great way to save for a vacation! A little at a time--almost painless. My guess is $325.00
Hello. I save money in a Peter Pan box and it are always mutch more than I expect. So I think you have § 857. Have a wonderfull vacation.
Love to hear about it. Take care.
I'll go out on a limb and say $125.
96$ would be my guess. Intriguing contest!
I guess $401.00
Have a great time- going anywhere good?
My guess is $187.43 *s*
Oh my what fun! I'm going to guess $178.18 and hope I'm right!
Hope the vacation will be wonderful and filled with fun and happy memories.
Love the finish on the Finity, the blue fairy AND the new purse! Awesome! Hugs,Finn
just a note on change jars,
we cashed ours in the Friday I came to NH to buy the treadle and rent the truck to come get it and had $ left to buy lots of gas, lunch and dinner :-D
$97.79 sure why not...
We do the same thing but we don't combine our change...what's mine is mine..and what's his is his...at least that is the way it starts out.
Having only been to the States once I have no idea what dollars and cents look like, but I'll have a guess anyway! How about $201 (probably well out, but it needs t be different to everyone elses!).
Well I first had to find out which currency we were talking about. But after a little search on your blog, I understand you live in the states. My guess would be about $ 275. But it is hard to guess as I’m a little unsure on which coins you have in your currency.
Hope you have a great time spending it! Let us know what you bought with it :)
As I'm an Aussie, I'm not sure what those coins are but let me try. $555.55. Have a great holiday and I thought I recognised those chocs. Dairy Milk is my fav.
I am going to guess $155.00
I just HAD to comment on the fact you're a football fan! So am I! Despite the fact we root for different teams (my team is Seattle Seahawks), it's nice to know there is another quilter/stitcher out there who LOVES FOOTBALL!!! I am sooooooo excited for pre-season to start!
My jar guess is $125.
What a fun idea for a give-away!
Well I'll add my guess and say $250.00
Hello, my guess would be $117.00.Coming from Australia I really have no idea which coin is which. Have a great holiday
My guess is $245.42
oh dear I don`t have a clue but will guess 377
I hope you have a fab time
Beth Au
I don't have a clue about the currency in the USA so am going with $211
hi Sweet P, could it be 57,8 $ ?? thanks for your comment on my blog, I'll try to write more often now. You are right, my stdio is GREAT!!! hugs Brigitte
OK....my guess is $267.38
Don't ask, it just came to me....LOL
I say there is $320.32!
I can't resist a game! Thank you for telling us the size; it looks smaller than a gallon!
I'm guessing $239.
Having no idea about your money. I know what a dollar is :) but I give it a try. I'm also saving money in a box and I know there is always a lot more than you believe in a box. So I guess jo have saved up 640 dollar.
Im guessing about $210.23
Im from Australia so i dont know what coins they have.
Happy Quilting!!!
I missed the post originally!! I wanna play too!! So my guess is $136.
Hi, just found your blog so hope I'm not toolate. My guess is $143. Hope there's enough there to do something special on your vacation. Have fun.
Isn't is amazing how fast the change adds up and you never notice it?? :-)
My guess: $318.64
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