Do you have plans for October 13 - 16th? Would you like to join me in a Creative Retreat? DH will be in Hong Kong and I've decided to take some time for playing and creating.
- Tuesday, the 13th, will be my normal Mr. E day (I can't give up my day with him). I may not get much creating done, unless Mr. E is involved. Who knows?
- Wednesday, the 14th, is a possible road trip day. I haven't been to Keepsake Quilting in a year and since I'm into yarn, embroidery and beads I think a trip to Center Harbor may be in order. Plus that time of year is usually a great time to drive around Lake Winnepausakee.
- Thursday and Friday, the 15th and 16th, are going to be used for creating and playing. I'm still trying to decide on what projects to work on, but they will probably be Christmas gifts.
Crochet Source
I'm looking for a crochet reference book. Ideally the book would contain the following information: a discussion about different types of yarn, what hooks to use with what yarns (this is important for me), directions for different crochet techniques and a stitch reference section. Do you know if this book exists?
Cosmo Floss
Last week Bunny Tales offered a special on Lecian Cosmo Floss and I couldn't resist. Yesterday the floss arrived in my mail box. It's even more yummy in person. Now I need to decide what project I'm going to use it on!

I hope you're having a great week!
Sweet P