Just in case you haven't learned this about about me by now - I LOVE SNOW!! Yup, that's right. I adore those big, white fluffy pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky and which so many of you don't like. I don't snowmobile, I don't ski, but I love the snow. Last week I watched the storm moving across the country and, although I'm sad the storm wreaked so much havoc across the country, I hoped we would get snow. That didn't happen and we ended up with a lot of rain on Friday instead.
Saturday the weather forecast started predicting snow for us for late last night and early this morning. Unfortunately I was still on cold medicine and didn't wake up every hour looking for snow. But I didn't miss anything because it didn't start snowing until about 7:45 AM this morning. Just in time to drive to work. There was no accumulation to speak of, it's all gone now!
I did take some pictures just to remind me what snow looks like and I'm still waiting for the first "real" snow fall. I better get some snow soon or else I will be depressed. I've been known to start whining and get real crabby if it doesn't snow by mid-December.
My ideal place to live is in the Colorado Rockies in a log cabin with a big fireplace and big picture windows. Maybe someday . . .
I too love snow. I even like to shovel! Don't get any where I live now....except for 2 years ago where it snowed 4" on Christmas....something that has NEVER happened here. As a matter of fact, it is so rare to have snow here that they made a book about it.
I'm with you all the way - I adore snow. At least you live where you get some every winter. We get it now and then - there can be several winters in a row where we get none. In the 32+ years we've lived here there have been only 2-3 big snowfalls that lasted much more than a day or two. I've never had a white Christmas - and I want one SO badly!
I'm happy for you that it snowed. With not a snowball's chance of ever getting snow here, I still have always longed for a 'White Christmas' I can't imagine what it would be like to really count on it and have it not happen.
Interestingly, I find that it takes the blogger beta blogs longer to load than the older version. I'm on internet satellite. I'm so shocked that New Hampshire isn't covered in snow already!
Sweet P, I love the snow too!!!
I love snow too!! And we seldom get it right here at sealevel, but only have to drive 15-20 minutes to play in the mountain snow.
I love the snow, too! I loved it when we lived in "snow country" and it would snow and snow and snow and I could just sit and enjoy it. No snow for me! :-( LOL
Snow is wonderful, diamonds dancing under the streetlights, eiderdown floating,landing and tickling my cheek...
Winter is always my time of revitilization. I have more energy, more spirit and glee. I get giddy when I see the snowfall. I love bundling up against the cold. I mean when it is hot you can tke everything off and still be ... hot. When it is blustery, freezing thre is always more you can do, another layer, a glass of wine, a crackling fireplae, someone wonderful to cuddle with...
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