I've had a relaxing Saturday. This is the first weekend since the beginning of May that we have not had an event or trip on our weekend calendar. The only time I had to leave the house was grocery shopping this morning. Tomorrow I don't have to go out at all! So what did I do today? I've done laundry and a little house cleaning. I took a two hour nap. I made stuffed pork chops and butternut barley risotto for dinner.
On the quilting front I started tying my dad's quilt. I still have about a third of it left to do. I should be able to finish it in the morning and then it will be ready for the binding. I also straightened up my studio. I spent some time cutting and marking my reds and whites for my new hand piecing project. Tonight I am going to work on the first block of the quilt while watching college football with DH.
With the first of October coming tomorrow and Norma and Linda thinking about a challenge for getting projects to the flimsy stage, I took the time to list my projects. I have them posted on the side bar. They are sorted by the stage of the project they are in right now. The list isn't as long as I thought it would be, but there is still enough to keep me busy for a long time. I've also decided on my goals for October. I've kept the list to only 3 projects since I do hand work all day on Sundays.
I'm glad I did the list. DH and I are saving money for a down payment on a new car and have decided we need to cut back on discretionary spending. For us that means no more football or concert tickets. For me that means cutting back on fabric spending and for DH it means no trips to the casino. After writing up my list I realized that other than buying batting I really have no need to buy more fabric for awhile.
Judy has started a good discussion about when she does hand work. She does most of hers in the evening. So do most of the quilters who have responded. I do mine in the car in the morning when DH and I are going to work. I have about 15 - 20 minutes and I am always surprised at how much I can get done in the short amount of time. I also do a lot of hand quilting and hand work on Sundays while watching sports with DH, DS and DIL. Machine piecing is usually done on Saturdays. It's not very often I quilt in the evenings during the week. By the time I get home from work and cook dinner I'm too tired to focus on quilting.
So when do you do your hand work?
That's all the news for now. Time to watch some football and do some hand piecing.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Mom's Quilt, Dad's Quilt and a New Blogger
Here is my mom's quilt, Mom's Kitties. This is the one I did the binding on this past weekend. It's washed and ready to go. The picture is upside down because DH was holding it upside down and just flipped the picture rather than have it hold him again. Her quilt started it's life as a BOM in January 2005. I made a block or two, but wasn't thrilled with the pattern so I cut the fabric into 6 inch squares and created my own simple design. The WOW fabric does have cats on it as does the backing. Mom saw the quilt when she was visiting in July so she knows what it looks like and that she is getting it.

My dad was put into a nursing home a few weeks and I decided that he needed a quilt too. I made this Chiclets quilt earlier this spring and just tucked it away waiting for the right recipient to come along. Well, my dad is the lucky recipient. It's set up on my table, ready to be tied. I should be able to get that done quickly and then I can spend this coming Sunday putting on the binding.

I found a new blogger, Bingo Bonnie, in Texas. Why don't you stop by and say hello to her?

My dad was put into a nursing home a few weeks and I decided that he needed a quilt too. I made this Chiclets quilt earlier this spring and just tucked it away waiting for the right recipient to come along. Well, my dad is the lucky recipient. It's set up on my table, ready to be tied. I should be able to get that done quickly and then I can spend this coming Sunday putting on the binding.

I found a new blogger, Bingo Bonnie, in Texas. Why don't you stop by and say hello to her?
Monday, September 25, 2006
Retreat Wrap-Up and Sewing Tools At Home
Day #2 of my retreat went as good as day #1. I finished the binding on my mom’s quilt. I am so psyched. I spent nearly the whole day sewing on the binding while watching the Vikings and then the Patriots lose their football games. I truly enjoyed doing the binding and can’t wait until I get another quilt ready to bind! I couldn’t hang my mom’s quilt to get a picture of it tonight. DH comes home late tonight after a long road trip and I will get him to hold it up for me.
Some people have asked me about the Perfect Binding Miter tool and how it works. Glenna has a great slideshow on her website that shows how the tool works. For $5 I highly recommend it.
Linda shared pictures of her home and away sewing tools. What a timely entry. This past weekend was the first time I had gone away to sew and quilt. I thought I had everything I needed . . . yeah, right . . . I forgot to bring to bring pins, a ruler for trimming and squaring, filled bobbins and the only sewing machine foot I had with me was my quarter inch foot. Lucky for me Victoria had everything with her except the sewing machine foot. So I have learned my lesson for the next time I go retreating.
I stopped at Ikea the other night and purchased a glass vase for keeping my scraps in. I got the idea from Mary who displayed her trash one day. We talked about showing off our trash. Here is the vase with the scraps from the start of my red and white quilt. I also found these cute spice jars at Ikea, all of them for only $3. I thought they’d work well for holding buttons. They are now sitting on my windowsill.

The tray holds my sewing stuff. The bear was a gift for coordinating a quilt get together last fall. The blue basket came from Keepsake Quilting and holds all kinds of odds and ends. The basket peeking out holds four patches made from leaders and enders. My magnetic pin dish, iron and DVD player are also hanging out on the table for now.

In the living room I have this wonderful handmade sewing basket my DS bought me for Mother’s Day last year. Isn’t it adorable? He bought it from The Quilted Crow in Boxborough, MA. Right now it holds my hand quilting tools and some miscellaneous items. And yes, in case you’re wondering, that is Wally the Green Monster and a Tom Brady teddy bear sitting on the coffee table as well.

So there you have a tour of my quilting notions. Is anyone else going to share how the store their notions?
Some people have asked me about the Perfect Binding Miter tool and how it works. Glenna has a great slideshow on her website that shows how the tool works. For $5 I highly recommend it.
Linda shared pictures of her home and away sewing tools. What a timely entry. This past weekend was the first time I had gone away to sew and quilt. I thought I had everything I needed . . . yeah, right . . . I forgot to bring to bring pins, a ruler for trimming and squaring, filled bobbins and the only sewing machine foot I had with me was my quarter inch foot. Lucky for me Victoria had everything with her except the sewing machine foot. So I have learned my lesson for the next time I go retreating.
I stopped at Ikea the other night and purchased a glass vase for keeping my scraps in. I got the idea from Mary who displayed her trash one day. We talked about showing off our trash. Here is the vase with the scraps from the start of my red and white quilt. I also found these cute spice jars at Ikea, all of them for only $3. I thought they’d work well for holding buttons. They are now sitting on my windowsill.

The tray holds my sewing stuff. The bear was a gift for coordinating a quilt get together last fall. The blue basket came from Keepsake Quilting and holds all kinds of odds and ends. The basket peeking out holds four patches made from leaders and enders. My magnetic pin dish, iron and DVD player are also hanging out on the table for now.

In the living room I have this wonderful handmade sewing basket my DS bought me for Mother’s Day last year. Isn’t it adorable? He bought it from The Quilted Crow in Boxborough, MA. Right now it holds my hand quilting tools and some miscellaneous items. And yes, in case you’re wondering, that is Wally the Green Monster and a Tom Brady teddy bear sitting on the coffee table as well.

So there you have a tour of my quilting notions. Is anyone else going to share how the store their notions?
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Look Ma, I'm Binding
Retreat day #1 was a blast! Victoria picked me up about 9:30 and off we went shopping. We started at Joann's where I found fabric to make curtains for my studio. The fabric was on clearance and instead of paying $13/yard I only paid $4 a yard! Our first quilt shop stop was The Quilt Center. A small shop run in the finished garage of the owner. I bought some fat-eighths in red and white for my quilt and two heart stencils, one is horizontal and one is vertical. I convinced Victoria to purchase both issues of Quilter's Home magazine as the owner had both of them. She started reading them this afternoon and loves the magazine.
Our next stop was Emma's Quilt Cupboard. Now this is a quilt shop worth shopping at! She has everything you could think of in terms of fabric choices, class choices and even special events. She has a Quilt Book Club, a Quilter's Tea and once a month does Quilter's Anonymous - this is a Friday night where you can come and work on any project you'd like and she makes dinner for you. Victoria and I are going to attend the one in December. I found a fun pattern for chalkboard mats called Just For Fun. I think this will be a great gift for my younger nieces and nephews and perhaps a few for my DIL's two-year-old class.
Our final stop was at the Quilter's Stash. This is small shop, but big on choices. I found some more white fabric and some fun polka dot fabric to add to my collection. We also walked through a furniture consignment store. I saw a small table that would have been great in my studio for my laptop, but it was a too wobbly.
After stopping for lunch we came back to my hotel room and started my binding. I forgot to mention the Victoria bought me the Perfect Binding Miter by Glenna. What a great little tool! You can see from my pictures below how well it works. The first one is me holding my first pinned mitered corner on my mom's quilt. The second one shows the start of my hand work on the back of the binding. I've done about 18 inches so far and I'm enjoying it. Victoria has been working on scrap quilt she is making for herself. It's made of floral fabric scraps using crumb blocks and green sashing.

Tonight we treated ourselves to dinner at Bugaboo Creek, yummy! Beef and chocolate, my perfect dinner. Tomorrow Victoria will be coming over after church in the morning and we will work on our projects and watch football all day. Well it's late andI'm off to bed. I've learned a lot today and my brain is tired.
Our next stop was Emma's Quilt Cupboard. Now this is a quilt shop worth shopping at! She has everything you could think of in terms of fabric choices, class choices and even special events. She has a Quilt Book Club, a Quilter's Tea and once a month does Quilter's Anonymous - this is a Friday night where you can come and work on any project you'd like and she makes dinner for you. Victoria and I are going to attend the one in December. I found a fun pattern for chalkboard mats called Just For Fun. I think this will be a great gift for my younger nieces and nephews and perhaps a few for my DIL's two-year-old class.
Our final stop was at the Quilter's Stash. This is small shop, but big on choices. I found some more white fabric and some fun polka dot fabric to add to my collection. We also walked through a furniture consignment store. I saw a small table that would have been great in my studio for my laptop, but it was a too wobbly.
After stopping for lunch we came back to my hotel room and started my binding. I forgot to mention the Victoria bought me the Perfect Binding Miter by Glenna. What a great little tool! You can see from my pictures below how well it works. The first one is me holding my first pinned mitered corner on my mom's quilt. The second one shows the start of my hand work on the back of the binding. I've done about 18 inches so far and I'm enjoying it. Victoria has been working on scrap quilt she is making for herself. It's made of floral fabric scraps using crumb blocks and green sashing.

Tonight we treated ourselves to dinner at Bugaboo Creek, yummy! Beef and chocolate, my perfect dinner. Tomorrow Victoria will be coming over after church in the morning and we will work on our projects and watch football all day. Well it's late andI'm off to bed. I've learned a lot today and my brain is tired.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Pincushions and Red Nickels

Evelyn asked to show our pin cushions and asked whether or not we use them. Here is a picture of pin cushions I got in a swap last year. I keep them on top of my scrap cabinet along with Miss Rose. This is a doll that is holding a quilt made of 1 inch squares. I bought her at the first quilt show I went to last summer. Her body contains pebbles or small marbles, something that is weighty so that she stands up very straight. I think of her as my quilt studio mistress.
I don't use my pincushions. I prefer to keep my pins in a magnetic needle dish. It's not the most attractive way to keep pins, but it works for me. I have spilled my pin dish a couple times and I keep a mganetic wand handy to pick them up. Maybe if I used a pincushion I wouldn't have pick up pins from the floor?
I suppose you're wondering what's up with the red fabric in the picture. Well in yesterday's blog I mentioned a red and white scrappy quilt I want to make. Believe it or not I do not have enough red and white scraps to make the quilt. This is my collection of reds so far. Even though the picture looks like bright reds, I'm aiming to use deep or dark red prints that read red. I'm also want to use bright WOWs. So here's my question - would anyone like to trade some red or white nickels or scraps for nickels or scraps of another color? If so, let me know.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Finally a Finished Postcard

I finally finished a postcard for my group swap. It is the third one I made. I ruined the first one trying to stitch on it. On the second one I screwed up the binding. This one is OK, but it will do for now. I haven't decided if making postcards is for me or not. Perhaps I need to make a few more before I decide on whether or not I like to make them. Now I can focus on whatever I want to do. I don't have any other deadlines looming so I'm back on my own quilting list.
I am so excited! This weekend I am going to Massachusetts to have a mini quilt retreat with a friend of mine. I am driving down on Friday night so I can stop at Ikea. I have to return a chair cover we bought last month and since the store is about a 2 hour drive away and it is close to my friend's house I get to back there. I doubt I will buy anything since I can't lift any packaged furniture on my own and the last time we were there I didn't see anything exciting. I'm checking into the hotel on Friday and coming home on Monday. That gives me 2 full days with Victoria.
On Saturday we are going on our own shop hop. Victoria says there are 6 quilt shops within a half hour of her house. I'm always to looking at and fondling fabric but I don't think I'll spend as much money as I did last month on fabric. I do need to buy background fabric so I can participate in Judy's Hour a Day Quilt.
I'm bringing along at least 2 projects to work on. I want to get the binding sewn on my mom's quilt and then have Victoria show me how to hand sew it in place on back. I mentioned earlier that I wanted to work on a hand piecing project that has squares and rectangles. I spent some time going through my pattern books and decided on a pattern from Pat Speth's More Nickel Quilts. It's called Streak of Lightning and I'm going to do it in red and white. I have a ton of red nickels and some red FQs I can cut. I don't have enough white nickels, but I do have some white yardage I can use. I may also bring my basket of scraps to cut up. It sounds like a lot, but I'd rather have more than enough to do than not enough and wonder why I didn't bring more.
Well, it's 8 PM and the new season of my Tuesday night shows are about to start so I'm off for now.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Sunday Night Report
I didn't get any quilting done this weekend. Bruce and I left town early yesterday to do some clothes shopping before going to The Who concert last night. We got back to the hotel at midnight and it was 1 AM before I got to sleep. Then I had to be up at 7:30 so I could in the office at 8:45. I worked until 2:30 PM and have been sitting on the couch watching football and trying to stay awake.
I don't remember who posted the following blogthings, I'm sorry. But here are my answers. I'm ambivilent about my color green. But I am definitely a right brained person.
Tonya showed a beautiful scissors fob and talked about using things instead of saving them. A friend game me a scissors fob almost a year ago and I haven't used it yet. So I pulled it out of the box today thinking I would put it on my scissors. However, the circle is too small and too tight to get it on either pair of scissors I have. I'm thinking I need to go to buy a little larger circle to put it on the end. I do love all the small charms on the end of the fob.

I did some hand work on my Tumbling Blocks yesterday but I noticed that where six points are meeting I'm not getting the points all into the seam. I'm thinking I need to take a step back on the hand piecing and work on a project that is made of only squares and rectangles. So I think I'm going to pull some of my scraps and make some nine patches and see where they take me.
I don't remember who posted the following blogthings, I'm sorry. But here are my answers. I'm ambivilent about my color green. But I am definitely a right brained person.
You Are Teal Green |
![]() You are a one of a kind, original person. There's no one even close to being like you. Expressive and creative, you have a knack for making the impossible possible. While you are a bit offbeat, you don't scare people away with your quirks. Your warm personality nicely counteracts and strange habits you may have. |
You Are 30% Left Brained, 70% Right Brained |
![]() The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
Tonya showed a beautiful scissors fob and talked about using things instead of saving them. A friend game me a scissors fob almost a year ago and I haven't used it yet. So I pulled it out of the box today thinking I would put it on my scissors. However, the circle is too small and too tight to get it on either pair of scissors I have. I'm thinking I need to go to buy a little larger circle to put it on the end. I do love all the small charms on the end of the fob.

I did some hand work on my Tumbling Blocks yesterday but I noticed that where six points are meeting I'm not getting the points all into the seam. I'm thinking I need to take a step back on the hand piecing and work on a project that is made of only squares and rectangles. So I think I'm going to pull some of my scraps and make some nine patches and see where they take me.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Buying Fabric and Blog Etiquette
Gail posted a survey about our fabric choices. Here are my answers:
What is your favorite color to use in your quilts?
Purple is my favorite color and I used it a lot when I started quilting. Lately I’ve been using a lot of green in my projects. I did go through a pink phase earlier this year. I guess I’m destined to go through different color phases. That’s fine with me.
Do you have a favorite style, ie. depression repros, 1800 repros, geometrics, florals, plaids, batiks, marbled, etc.?
I’m not a fan of batiks or orientals. Other than those I haven’t decided if I have a favorite style.
Do you have a favorite line of fabrics, ie. Kaffee Fasset, one of Moda's lines, Jo Morton, etc.
I like Moda marbles. They go with everything.
Do you tend to buy a particular subject , ie. butterflies, strawberries, cats?
Earlier this summer I visited a new quilt shop in town and a fun polka dot fabric found it’s way into my hands. Since then I’ve been on the lookout for fun polka dots.
Did I miss a category here?????
How about why we buy fabric? For fun, for a specific project or because it was on sale and you just “had to have it!?
Other than the polka dot fabric I still buy fabric with a project in mind or at least at a WHIM. I seldom buy fabric if it’s not on sale unless I absolutely need it. My dad taught me to be thrifty with my money and always look for a good deal.
One more question: if you are buying fabric that is not for a project how much do you buy?
I have given up buying FQs. I like to use fabric in a few projects not just one. Now when I’m buying fabric I buy at least one yard, sometimes two. That way I can also cut an FQ to send as a RAQ if I need to send one out.
Judy has posted her October Hour a Day quilt. I've wanted to try the maple leaf block and this is just the quilt to do that. I can't wait to get started.
I have a blog etiquette question. I certainly appreciate all the comments I get from everyone, but I'm wondering are you supposed to acknowledge every comment personally. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I don't want to offend anyone so if it's considered proper to reply to everyone I'm sorry if I haven't acknowledged your comment in the past. What do you usually do with the comment you receive?
I haven't had my Saturday class today. We are going to Boston today and attending The Who concert tonight. Tomorrow I have to work a few hours and then it is football time. That means I'll be hand quilting tomorrow afternoon. I'm off for the day. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
What is your favorite color to use in your quilts?
Purple is my favorite color and I used it a lot when I started quilting. Lately I’ve been using a lot of green in my projects. I did go through a pink phase earlier this year. I guess I’m destined to go through different color phases. That’s fine with me.
Do you have a favorite style, ie. depression repros, 1800 repros, geometrics, florals, plaids, batiks, marbled, etc.?
I’m not a fan of batiks or orientals. Other than those I haven’t decided if I have a favorite style.
Do you have a favorite line of fabrics, ie. Kaffee Fasset, one of Moda's lines, Jo Morton, etc.
I like Moda marbles. They go with everything.
Do you tend to buy a particular subject , ie. butterflies, strawberries, cats?
Earlier this summer I visited a new quilt shop in town and a fun polka dot fabric found it’s way into my hands. Since then I’ve been on the lookout for fun polka dots.
Did I miss a category here?????
How about why we buy fabric? For fun, for a specific project or because it was on sale and you just “had to have it!?
Other than the polka dot fabric I still buy fabric with a project in mind or at least at a WHIM. I seldom buy fabric if it’s not on sale unless I absolutely need it. My dad taught me to be thrifty with my money and always look for a good deal.
One more question: if you are buying fabric that is not for a project how much do you buy?
I have given up buying FQs. I like to use fabric in a few projects not just one. Now when I’m buying fabric I buy at least one yard, sometimes two. That way I can also cut an FQ to send as a RAQ if I need to send one out.
Judy has posted her October Hour a Day quilt. I've wanted to try the maple leaf block and this is just the quilt to do that. I can't wait to get started.
I have a blog etiquette question. I certainly appreciate all the comments I get from everyone, but I'm wondering are you supposed to acknowledge every comment personally. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I don't want to offend anyone so if it's considered proper to reply to everyone I'm sorry if I haven't acknowledged your comment in the past. What do you usually do with the comment you receive?
I haven't had my Saturday class today. We are going to Boston today and attending The Who concert tonight. Tomorrow I have to work a few hours and then it is football time. That means I'll be hand quilting tomorrow afternoon. I'm off for the day. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monday, September 11, 2006
My 9/11 Story
Many people have shared the 9/11 story, so I will share mine. My day started about 4 AM. Bruce was picked up by the car service at 5 AM for a trip to Logan airport and across the country. By 8 AM I was in my office starting my work day. The phone rang at 8:15. It was Bruce, calling me from Cincinnati to let me know that he loved me and that he was OK so far. It was a very normal conversation for us. He always calls me when he changes planes.
At 8:45 I called a client in New York City. She wasn't in her office and I left a message. Two minutes later, my son, who was scheduled to fly from Minnesota to Massachusetts that coming Friday, called me and told me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. About that same time one of the researchers came through the office saying the same thing. I never popped onto the internet faster in my life. Geoffrey, my son, stayed on the phone for a while telling me what was happening.
My phone rang again. This time it was Bruce. His exact words were, "What the f**** is going on in the world?" By this time the FAA had grounded all the planes. His plane was stopped while heading for the runway. The pilot had come on and told the passengers that a plane had hit the World Trade Center and they wouldn't be going anywhere. So I told him what I knew and that his assistant and I would try to get him a hotel room in Cincinnati. Then I realized that my FIL and MIL were on their way to Logan as well and knew they would be turned around.
About that time we heard about the plane hitting the Pentagon. I realized that a close friend of ours was headed out of Washington that day as well. (Everyone was heading to Phoenix for an industry conference). I called his office in Virginia to see if he was all right. He was supposed to have been on that plane that hit the Pentagon, but had a last minute cancellation for a business meeting the night before and had already changed his flight. Whew!
When the news started coming out that the planes had taken off from Logan airport I suddenly realized the Bruce could have been on one of those planes. He had left Logan when the hijackers were leaving Portland, ME. That is when I lost control. I couldn't concentrate and knew I couldn't stay in the office. A bunch of us went out to lunch and stared at the TV screens watching the horrible footage while trying to figure out what happened.
I was afraid to go home alone so I stopped by my in-laws house for a while. Then I stopped and visited with one of my BIL's for an hour. By the time I got home I was numb and all I could do was climb into bed and keep the TV on for fear I might miss something.
Bruce didn't get home from Cincinnati for two days and then he could fly as close as Hartford and we had a car service pick him up and bring him home. We had only been married for 2 months at the time and I don't think I have ever hugged him so hard that night.
Our company has lots of clients in New York City, but no one we knew was killed although some of them lost their offices. One of our friends who worked in Manhattan had to walk home to Brooklyn that day. Another friend's mother is a flight attendant and was supposed on one of the Boston flights that morning, but had changed her shift the night before because of a broken clothes dryer. One of my BILs knew one of the pilots as they went to the same church. My son didn’t make it to Massachusetts for another week. Another BIL who is in the Marines Reserve has had to serve 6 months in Washington, DC and two 6 month tours in Afghanistan since 9/11. All in all, we have been lucky.
My son loves history and is planning on becoming a history teacher. He had a discussion with my dad during that week about the difference between Dec 7, 1941 and the events of 9/11. The biggest difference, they concluded, was how immediate the news was carried around the world and whether or not having immediate news is a good thing or a bad thing. That is probably a question that many people have debated and will continue to debate.
I guess I’ve gone on long enough. Thanks for reading my story.
At 8:45 I called a client in New York City. She wasn't in her office and I left a message. Two minutes later, my son, who was scheduled to fly from Minnesota to Massachusetts that coming Friday, called me and told me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. About that same time one of the researchers came through the office saying the same thing. I never popped onto the internet faster in my life. Geoffrey, my son, stayed on the phone for a while telling me what was happening.
My phone rang again. This time it was Bruce. His exact words were, "What the f**** is going on in the world?" By this time the FAA had grounded all the planes. His plane was stopped while heading for the runway. The pilot had come on and told the passengers that a plane had hit the World Trade Center and they wouldn't be going anywhere. So I told him what I knew and that his assistant and I would try to get him a hotel room in Cincinnati. Then I realized that my FIL and MIL were on their way to Logan as well and knew they would be turned around.
About that time we heard about the plane hitting the Pentagon. I realized that a close friend of ours was headed out of Washington that day as well. (Everyone was heading to Phoenix for an industry conference). I called his office in Virginia to see if he was all right. He was supposed to have been on that plane that hit the Pentagon, but had a last minute cancellation for a business meeting the night before and had already changed his flight. Whew!
When the news started coming out that the planes had taken off from Logan airport I suddenly realized the Bruce could have been on one of those planes. He had left Logan when the hijackers were leaving Portland, ME. That is when I lost control. I couldn't concentrate and knew I couldn't stay in the office. A bunch of us went out to lunch and stared at the TV screens watching the horrible footage while trying to figure out what happened.
I was afraid to go home alone so I stopped by my in-laws house for a while. Then I stopped and visited with one of my BIL's for an hour. By the time I got home I was numb and all I could do was climb into bed and keep the TV on for fear I might miss something.
Bruce didn't get home from Cincinnati for two days and then he could fly as close as Hartford and we had a car service pick him up and bring him home. We had only been married for 2 months at the time and I don't think I have ever hugged him so hard that night.
Our company has lots of clients in New York City, but no one we knew was killed although some of them lost their offices. One of our friends who worked in Manhattan had to walk home to Brooklyn that day. Another friend's mother is a flight attendant and was supposed on one of the Boston flights that morning, but had changed her shift the night before because of a broken clothes dryer. One of my BILs knew one of the pilots as they went to the same church. My son didn’t make it to Massachusetts for another week. Another BIL who is in the Marines Reserve has had to serve 6 months in Washington, DC and two 6 month tours in Afghanistan since 9/11. All in all, we have been lucky.
My son loves history and is planning on becoming a history teacher. He had a discussion with my dad during that week about the difference between Dec 7, 1941 and the events of 9/11. The biggest difference, they concluded, was how immediate the news was carried around the world and whether or not having immediate news is a good thing or a bad thing. That is probably a question that many people have debated and will continue to debate.
I guess I’ve gone on long enough. Thanks for reading my story.
Sunday, September 10, 2006

I added the borders to my mini quilt today. 68 HSTs that finished to 1 inch. Linda said I should put a coin on one of the blocks so you could a good perspective. I would do that, except the quilt isn't laying very flat so for now it's pinned on my design wall. This was the first pieced border I made and I'm not extremely pleased with it. It's OK, but I had to make some adjustments to make it fit. I had to add an extra HST to each side and had to take one HST away from the bottom. I guess I need more work on making all my seams a quarter inch, especially when working with small pieces. I will use this quilt as a table topper for the holiday season. I will make another mini quilt another day. There are 8 other patterns in the package and I want to try a few more of them.
I did my "plan" for today. I hand quilted during the New England Patriots/Buffalo Bills game. I finished the bottom border and have started up the third side. I usually thread 5 needles on the spool when I start a quilting session and I feel good if I use all of them. Today I did that. I may do some more hand quilting later, but not sure. BTW, in case you're wondering, the Patriots did win their first football game.
Will someone give some motivation to do the quilting on my post card? I can't seem to get myself to sit down and "just do it." Not sure why, maybe because I'm still not comfortable with my machine quilting skills. Why did I sign up for this swap???
Well it's time for birthday cheesecake. My DIL turned 22 on Friday and we are celebrating today. Oh, to be 22 again! No, wait, when I was 22 I had two young children and pregnant with #3. I'm glad where I am right now, soon to be 45!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Bruce came home with gift certificates for a weekend at Sunriver Resort in Sunriver, OR. The weekend includes two nights lodging, a spa and facial treatment, a massage on the river's edge and a round of golf. It looks like we will be heading to Oregon again next summer. Woohoo! I can't wait!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
I'm Going Mini Quilting

I got up this morning feeling so much better than the last 3 days. The muscle relaxants really helped. Thanks to everyone for sending positive thoughts my way.
I've had a full quilty day today. I finished tying my mom's quilt this morning. Then realized I didn't have of the fabric I wanted to use for the binding so I'm trying to decide what to do now. Then it was time for my hair cut and color job. After being pampered for a couple hours I came home and knew I just to start a project. I know, I know, I started my postcard last night and was supposed to finish it today, but when a project starts speaking to me I can't ignore it.
So, my quilt lesson for today was making a mini quilt. This is one of the patterns I bought a few weeks ago at the World Quilt Show in Manchester. At the moment the quilt is about 13.5 inches by 19 inches. The patches in the middle measure 1.5 inches. There is one more border to make that consists of 68 1.5 inch HSTs. I have them done I just need to press them.
Some of the blocks are a little out of proportion, but it has been a great exercise for the afternoon. To keep me company and to get ready for the Patriots game tomorrow I have watched the DVDs from each of the Patriots Super Bowl winning seasons. I will be soooooo ready for football tomorrow.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Sweet P's First Saturday Quilting Class

I started my first Saturday class an evening early. I've been home with back pain all day today and just couldn't tolerate being still any longer so I started on my first post card this evening. I scrounged through my scrap bin and found a 6 inch square of fall fabric. I ironed on some Wonder Under and carefully cut out two leaves. I definitely need to find a small pair of scissors with very sharp points (anyone have any recommendations for good scissors?). Then I poked around my FQ drawers and found some fabric with what I would call woodland nymphs. A little more Wonder Under and some trimming and I had a beautiful young lady for the my postcard. I found a dark brown print for my background. Some more ironing, a little adhesive and I have the back of the card attached to the stabilizer. This is the first project where I have used Wonder Under for applique and used stabilizer. So far I'm happy with my results. Tomorrow's lesson will include working on the machine quilting for the card and practice on the binding.
I have my mother's quilt spread out on my sewing table so my machine is put away for now. I'll finish tying her quilt tomorrow morning and then I will be able to put the machine back and I can finish my post card. I'll also put the binding on mom's quilt and finish that. Not sure if I will be able to do anymore quilting than that tomorrow. A lot will depend on how my back is feeling and if I feel the need to take any muscle relaxants or not. I hoping not since I will still be home alone all day and can do whatever I want to do.
DH comes home on Sunday and the New England Patriots have their first football game. I'll be working on my hand quilting for the afternoon.
Well, I am ready for bed. I'm pleased with the start of my first class and can't wait to finish it tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Thoughts From The Golf Course
DH and I attend the Deutsche Bank Gold Championship every Labor Day Weekend. It’s our chance to catch a glimpse of Tiger Woods and to enjoy some great golf.
You have two options for watching a golf tournament in person. You can sit for hours watching group after group play through the hole you have chosen to watch while waiting for your favorite player to come along. Or you can try to keep up with your favorite player and follow him around the golf course. I prefer Option #1. DH usually picks a spot next to the Green with a good view of the hole for me. I plant my chair and sit and watch many groups come through while waiting for Tiger. It’s impossible to follow Tiger and be able to watch him. Too many people follow him and makes watching him difficult. DH and I refer to the group as the “Tiger Wave”. What people miss by doing that is seeing many other golfers who make great shots and enjoy the game too.
There is lots of time to reflect, contemplate and set goals while sitting by the green and that is what I do while waiting for group after group to reach the green. Labor Day Weekend has become the “New Years Eve” of my year. More importantly, because the anniversary of my quilting falls on Labor Day weekend, I spend many hours daydreaming about my quilt projects and where I want to go with my quilting. This weekend my thoughts centered around my September quilting goals and my idea to put together a “snowed in” kit. I realized I like working on several projects at a time (who doesn’t?), but I didn’t really have a plan for working on them in any particular order or time. So I’ve developed “Sweet P’s Junior Quilting Year” - this is my third year of quilting, therefore it’s my junior quilting year.
So what am I going to do this year? Well I am a somewhat organized person, I like the idea of working on projects at a particular time. So I have allotted certain projects to certain times. These guidelines are not written in stone, but will allow me to accomplish what I want to do without feeling like I am neglecting another project.
Here is Sweet P’s Junior Quilting Year:
New England Patriots football games (or any other football game) – Hand Quilting Time. I have a mini whole cloth quilt I want to finish and I want to start hand quilting my Pink Finity quilt.
Snowed In Project – Speed Pieced Triple Irish Chain - This is project I started in May 2005 using Jinny Beyer fabrics. I have the strips ready to sew into blocks and I’ve made a few blocks. This project will be easy to take out of its box and work on while snow is falling outside.
Car Time Project – This is my Tumbling Blocks wall hanging. Hand piecing for the car works well. When I finish that project I haven’t decided what I will do next.
Saturday Morning Class Time – I have some new quilting skills I want to learn so I’ve signed up for Sweet P’s Quilting Class. I will spend an hour or two learning a new skill or practicing a skill. This year I want to work on appliqué, machine quilting and binding.
So there you have it. My plan for my Junior year of quilting. I hope I can follow through with my plan. Now that I've outlined it I should be able to get plenty of quilting work accomplished this coming year.
You have two options for watching a golf tournament in person. You can sit for hours watching group after group play through the hole you have chosen to watch while waiting for your favorite player to come along. Or you can try to keep up with your favorite player and follow him around the golf course. I prefer Option #1. DH usually picks a spot next to the Green with a good view of the hole for me. I plant my chair and sit and watch many groups come through while waiting for Tiger. It’s impossible to follow Tiger and be able to watch him. Too many people follow him and makes watching him difficult. DH and I refer to the group as the “Tiger Wave”. What people miss by doing that is seeing many other golfers who make great shots and enjoy the game too.
There is lots of time to reflect, contemplate and set goals while sitting by the green and that is what I do while waiting for group after group to reach the green. Labor Day Weekend has become the “New Years Eve” of my year. More importantly, because the anniversary of my quilting falls on Labor Day weekend, I spend many hours daydreaming about my quilt projects and where I want to go with my quilting. This weekend my thoughts centered around my September quilting goals and my idea to put together a “snowed in” kit. I realized I like working on several projects at a time (who doesn’t?), but I didn’t really have a plan for working on them in any particular order or time. So I’ve developed “Sweet P’s Junior Quilting Year” - this is my third year of quilting, therefore it’s my junior quilting year.
So what am I going to do this year? Well I am a somewhat organized person, I like the idea of working on projects at a particular time. So I have allotted certain projects to certain times. These guidelines are not written in stone, but will allow me to accomplish what I want to do without feeling like I am neglecting another project.
Here is Sweet P’s Junior Quilting Year:
New England Patriots football games (or any other football game) – Hand Quilting Time. I have a mini whole cloth quilt I want to finish and I want to start hand quilting my Pink Finity quilt.
Snowed In Project – Speed Pieced Triple Irish Chain - This is project I started in May 2005 using Jinny Beyer fabrics. I have the strips ready to sew into blocks and I’ve made a few blocks. This project will be easy to take out of its box and work on while snow is falling outside.
Car Time Project – This is my Tumbling Blocks wall hanging. Hand piecing for the car works well. When I finish that project I haven’t decided what I will do next.
Saturday Morning Class Time – I have some new quilting skills I want to learn so I’ve signed up for Sweet P’s Quilting Class. I will spend an hour or two learning a new skill or practicing a skill. This year I want to work on appliqué, machine quilting and binding.
So there you have it. My plan for my Junior year of quilting. I hope I can follow through with my plan. Now that I've outlined it I should be able to get plenty of quilting work accomplished this coming year.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Start of September
I have lots of quilting plans for this month. Just look at my September Goals list. But the biggest plan of all is that September 4 is my second anniversary of quilting. My gift to myself for this anniversary is to get my Singer Treadle machine up and running. I have had her for over a year and I decided it was time to be able to use her.
But first, a couple weeks ago Bruce and I had a photographer friend of ours take pictures of us to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. Here is one of our favorite shots. We took the pictures late in the day at the beach. All of them turned out well, now we just have to decide what to do with them.

I suppose you're wondering why there is a picture of a snow blown street in my blog. It all started with Laura's post about going to a quilt camp and the theme of the camp is "snowed in." This is the street I live on in downtown Dover during a blizzard. I LOVE snow! Nothing is better than being snowed in for the day. I decided I am going to pick a project or two and kit them up for a snowed in day this winter. I will cut the fabrics and put the whole kit in a "snowed in" box in my studio and when we have a snow day I will work on that project. I can't wait!
Well, it's not snowing here today. The sun is shining and it's time to wake up Bruce. We are off to the golf course for the weekend to watch Tiger Woods even though it is going to rain on Sunday. Have a great weekend and I'll be catching up on reading blogs during the evenings.
But first, a couple weeks ago Bruce and I had a photographer friend of ours take pictures of us to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. Here is one of our favorite shots. We took the pictures late in the day at the beach. All of them turned out well, now we just have to decide what to do with them.

I suppose you're wondering why there is a picture of a snow blown street in my blog. It all started with Laura's post about going to a quilt camp and the theme of the camp is "snowed in." This is the street I live on in downtown Dover during a blizzard. I LOVE snow! Nothing is better than being snowed in for the day. I decided I am going to pick a project or two and kit them up for a snowed in day this winter. I will cut the fabrics and put the whole kit in a "snowed in" box in my studio and when we have a snow day I will work on that project. I can't wait!
Well, it's not snowing here today. The sun is shining and it's time to wake up Bruce. We are off to the golf course for the weekend to watch Tiger Woods even though it is going to rain on Sunday. Have a great weekend and I'll be catching up on reading blogs during the evenings.

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