Well, I just spent about two hours putting items into my new closet space. Not quite done, but I'll share my progress.
For starters, here is what the closet looked like before it was emptied. The two plastic carts at the bottom will find a new use storing Mr. E's toys. One at his house and one here. The white pine cart is going elsewhere in the studio and will also be used for Mr. E stuff. We are keeping the shelving for now in case we want to use it in one of the other closets.

Here it is with the new shelves installed and ready to be filled.

From left to right on the floor: a tub of fabric WIPs, a table top easel, my sewing machine in its travel case and a picnic basket full of Christmas fabric. On the next shelf, (L to R), there is a small basket of WIPs, a container of batting and interfacing scraps, a pattern box and two baskets of yarn.

Next are the remaining shelves top to bottom. On the top are photo boxes, family mementos and a couple of fabric WIPs. The next shelf is currently holding all non-cotton fabric. Next shelf has all cotton fabric on the left and WIPs on the right. The next shelf has eight boxes of fat quarters and charms, a container of polka dot fabric, a box of buttons and trims, a box of assorted bindings and another small stack of interfacing. The two purple shoe bags on the right contain more yarn. On the left bottom shelf you find my floss and embroidery thread containers. On the right is a container of crochet WIPs and one more basket of yarn.

I still have a stack of home dec fabrics to sort through that will end up on the non-cotton shelf. I have three or four bags of yarn under the bed that may find a home in the closet as I still have two purple shoe bags to use. I need a basket for fabric pieces smaller than a yard, but larger than a fat quarter. I have one the perfect size and I'm going to ask my carpenter to cut off the handles as it's too tall for the shelves. It will probably go on the shelf with my floss and threads.
In the process of sorting and sifting I had the opportunity to clean out the cupboard space in my work island. It now holds all my paper crafting and scrapbooking supplies. On the top left shelf is a stack of scrapbook papers and a container of items for Mr. E's scrapbook. On the right are scrapbooks and boxes of cards. The bottom shelf has a basket of embellishments, a basket of stamps and ink, a box of decorative scissors, my Prismacolor pencils and a box of clay.

There is still a lot of organizing and rearranging to be done. A little bit each day will get the room into a place that will be shared by me and Mr. E.
How do you decide how to get rid of WIPs? I couldn't make the decision to throw away or donate many of my WIPs. I know I will never make them. I just don't know what to with them. Thoughts or comments?
Sweet P