Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Football, Sunday and the couch - is there any better way to spend the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend?
Here is my Sunday Stash photo of the week. This flannel will become pajama pants for DH for Christmas. I was able to resist the Black Friday sales, especially since I worked 6 am - 2 pm. But yesterday I went to work with my list ready. I bought sewing machine needles, ribbons and rick rack and this fabric.

I did get a little sewing done on Thanksgiving morning. On Wednesday I bought green, yellow and red linen from the clearance rack and made these napkins using
Helen's tutorial. You can see them on top of the laundry pile.
It took me about an hour to make them. I still have enough fabric to make six more. The fabric cost me $13.50 for 4 1/2 yards of fabric. That's a little more than $1 a napkin. Not bad. I can envision making these fancier with embroidery on them.

Yesterday DH's electrician friend came over and installed the track lighting in my studio. I wanted the track installed in a straight line. Since I didn't express my wishes to DH, his friend installed it in a curve. I have one light focused on the closet, one on the cutting table, one on the sewing table, one on the ironing board and one on the TV wall. I can't wait to get in there to see how well it works.

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend with the boys and girls. We ate and ate and ate some more. Here's is DS #3 and his GF. We were playing Scrabble and they were kicking everyone's butt. I don't remember the score, but I know DH and I came in dead last.

Last night was dinner and movie night. DS #2 and DIL thought they could sit in my spot on the couch, under two quilts to watch the movie. Wrong answer! They got to use the quilts, but had to sit on the love seat.

I hope you had a great holiday weekend! I'm off to write a review of my Thanksgiving menu on my Home blog. Hope to see you there!
Sweet P