It's been a few weeks since I've shown stash on Sunday. Yesterday I purchased these fabrics for a swap project. Don't they look yummy together? I can't wait to get started on this project. That will happen later this week.

I didn't get to sew on National Quilting Day yesterday as I had to work all day. This afternoon DIL came over and we worked on baby projects. I completed two of the six remaining taggie blankets. I only have to top stitch the remaining ones and they will be done. These blankets are turning out cute and soft, with a little touch of silky for baby fingers to find.

From the leftover pieces of flannel DIL was able to cut six bibs, a burp cloth and two washcloths. I have a couple of questions though. Is one layer of flannel enough for a bib? Do you have to have two layers? If you only have one layer what is the best way to finish the edges?
Last fall I was in the local Goodwill Store and found a set of four Winnie-The-Pooh curtains for $3. The only problem was the way the curtains were made a curtain rod barely fit through either end. Today I stitched a larger opening and now they can be hung.

I have several swap projects and packages to get finished and sent this week. Then I need to make a few crib sheets. The baby excitement is growing around here. We can hardly wait!
Happy Stitching!
Sweet P