Friday night was great. The evening went just as I had predicted to my assistant at 4 PM. I was going to have a steak dinner, watch the Red Sox win and the Yankees lose and work on the binding of my Wicked Girly Quilt. All of that happened and now the Red Sox have won the AL East Division. Hooray!
I spent a lot of time in my quilt studio yesterday. The first project of the day was to make 2 inch HSTs using Thangles. I've never used Thangles before and all I can say is I love them! I think I've used all the other methods of making HSTs. One of first entries in this blog included my
thoughts on HSTs. If I knew then what I knew then about Thangles that entry would have been different. I find with Thangles there is minimal fabric waste, and you only need to trim one dog ear off and I was able to trim 8 dog ears at one. A very slick process. The only downfall of Thangles is that the LQS close to my house doesn't sell them. But, nearly all of the shops I am visiting next week on our shop hop carries them and I may just stock up on one package in every size. Here's some of the HSTs I made.

The rest of them became parts of 4-patches that will eventually become butterfly blocks for the baby quilt I'm making. I couldn't finish the baby quilt because I need to buy 4 inch Thangles next week.

Since I was in an HST mood I finished trimming 132 1 inch HSTs for my Ugly Fabric Challenge. Gee, I don't think the fabrics look so ugly in a pile like this. Do you think I could call the project done? Nope, I've got big plans for these tiny HSTs.

I started to look for the project bag for the Ugly Fabric Challenge and came across a bag of 32 2.5 inch strips I bought at Keepsake Quilting on my shop hop this past spring. Suddenly I decided I wanted to to try the
Strip Cocktail pattern I had. The pattern itself is easy. I had the top put together in a couple hours, but I was disappointed in the package of strips. There were quite a number of the strips that were cut smaller than 2.5 inches. I noticed it when I started sewing and thought I had used all of the strips that were correct. However I missed one strip and didn't realize it until I put all the rows together. So now the top is a little wavy and I will have to trim the sides down to make it work. I decided to call this quilt Singapore Blues. Since I was missing DH yesterday while he was flying to Singapore.

Today will be a day spent doing stitchery projects. Football is on and I won't be caught in my sewing room during a football game. DS and DIL will be here so it will be fun afternoon. I may also start working on my shop hop list for next weekend. I did this the last time I went on a shop hop and it worked well.
Have a great Sunday!