I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Ours was a quiet Sunday. We needed a day by ourselves to get over the "having the baby" excitement. It was the first day in nearly a week that we haven't been at the hospital. We spent the day watching the Masters, baseball, eating and relaxing. Oh yeah, there was a ham dinner and laundry involved too.
Do you remember this cross stitch project I started in February?

Well, I've been working on it the last few weeks. This is how far I am on it. The finished work will be about 6 inches tall. I'm amazed looking at the photo how well you can see the contrast between the reds, the browns and the white and gray. I love how it is looking.

Yesterday Mr. E went home. Here he is all bundled up ready to leave the hospital. He is so precious and so handsome already. I can't wait for more cuddle time with him.

DH's travel schedule starts up again tomorrow. He will gone 41 of the next 79 days. He will be in Indianapolis, Washington, DC, London, Dubai, New York, Kohler, WI, Hong Kong, Singapore and Las Vegas (twice). When all of that travel is done we are going on vacation! That's July 1! Whew!
During that time I will start babysitting Mr. E on Tuesdays, my mom will be here for a visit and I will be working on swap projects. Looks like my spring is full!
Until next time, happy stitching!
Sweet P