It's been a few weeks since I've shown stash on Sunday. Yesterday I purchased these fabrics for a swap project. Don't they look yummy together? I can't wait to get started on this project. That will happen later this week.

I didn't get to sew on National Quilting Day yesterday as I had to work all day. This afternoon DIL came over and we worked on baby projects. I completed two of the six remaining taggie blankets. I only have to top stitch the remaining ones and they will be done. These blankets are turning out cute and soft, with a little touch of silky for baby fingers to find.

From the leftover pieces of flannel DIL was able to cut six bibs, a burp cloth and two washcloths. I have a couple of questions though. Is one layer of flannel enough for a bib? Do you have to have two layers? If you only have one layer what is the best way to finish the edges?
Last fall I was in the local Goodwill Store and found a set of four Winnie-The-Pooh curtains for $3. The only problem was the way the curtains were made a curtain rod barely fit through either end. Today I stitched a larger opening and now they can be hung.

I have several swap projects and packages to get finished and sent this week. Then I need to make a few crib sheets. The baby excitement is growing around here. We can hardly wait!
Happy Stitching!
Sweet P
You can use bias binding to finish one layer of flannel for a bib, but I would definitely recommend two layers (maybe a flannel and a woven) for a bib to keep baby's clothes clean.
Love the fabrics yiu selected for the swap. So bright and cheerful.
What a great deal on the Pooh curtain. It looks really nice.
I would make the bibs double layered. You can either serge the edges closed or "pillowcase" them: sew them around #3 sides with right sides facing, then turn them inside out, top stitch to help hold the shape during the million or so washings, and use either sof ties or rib knitted cotton for the neck.
I usually use 2 layers of flannel and 1 woven--then I make the burp cloth with a cloth diaper and add a "hem" of the woven fabric from the bib so they match. I sew them with the two layers of flannel together and then right side of flannel to right side of woven. Sew leaving opening large enough to turn them, turn and whip stitch together. If only using one layer, then I use bias tape to go around the edge.
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