Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Water Damage Update

Thanks for all the words of encouragement about the water damage. The maintenance supervisor came over yesterday afternoon to inspect our condo and the HVAC system upstairs. He discovered the condensation pan was full of water (48 hours later). He told us they would have to call the plumber to fix the HVAC. He thought the system had already been fixed since we have a smaller leaking problem previously. He also said that once the HVAC is fixed they will replace all the wall damage and any other damage they might find when they remove the drywall.

No specific timetable yet on repairs; but you can bet I won’t let them take too long! I can only handle a sewing room in disarray for so long, along with my supplies in the dining room, in the living room, you get the picture.

I'm off to take some pain meds and climb into bed. I was taking a letter out to the mailbox and the heel of my shoe got caught between some bricks. The shoe got left behind and I bent my toes and the top of my foot! I twisted my knee a little too! No broken bones, but I am hurting now. DH just looked at my foot and determined I need some ice so he got a Garden Vegetables from the freezer and put it on my foot. Now I'm freezing!


Paula, the quilter said...

Ouch! Take care!

Carole said...

Sorry to read about your foot. I do hope all will be well. If you want some company, I cracked open my forehead on the corner of a furniture stand. I bent down to put some vhs tapes and wamm... ouch! I have a half inch cut. No stitches are needed. Good luck with the repairs. I do hope it wont make too much dust. Don't forget to cover your machine and stash.

Patti said...

Sounds like one of those days it would have been better to stay in bed. Glad you are treating yourself well - get better soon!

Darlene said...

I'm sorry about your foot - OUCH. Take care!

Nice to hear that they are starting to do something about the HVAC and the damage - hopefully it won't take too long.

Libby said...

Oh crud - I hope you're easily fixed with some frozen veggies and ibuprofen. Take it easy.

Judy said...

Oh dear! Falls are not kind to any part of the body! Pamper yourself - leave the HVAC mess to the repairmen! Do you need a trip to your LQS? I'm sure that would help! :>)

Elaine Adair said...

Oh dear - poor baby - take care. You are probably a bit frazzled because of the water mess, now something else. Hope it gets better very soon.

tootsiesmom said...

You just let your hubby take care of you! frozen veggies on your foot sounds like just the ticket!

Clare said...

Hope you are feeling better and able to put some pressure on the foot.