I finally finished a stitchery project! Hooray. This is one of the blocks from a quilt pattern in this past summer's issue of a Country Threads Stitchery issue. It's about 8 inches square. You can see I stitched it on WOW fabric. I'm happy with the results. Now I just need to decide how to finish it. I'm thinking of a small wall hanging.
My FIL never ceases to amaze me. When he found out I was called for jury duty during December he insisted I call our company attorney to see if I could get the time changed. As he put it, "December is our strategic planning month and I need you (meaning me) in the office." So I called the attorney, he called the County Court Clerk and lo, and behold, my jury duty has been switched to March. I don't whether to be happy or not. I want to serve jury duty, but I'm furious that my boss made me change the dates.
So what's next on my list of projects? I pulled out my Streak of Red blocks on Sunday night and I've made 3 more blocks and part of 4th block. I need to make 10 blocks for the quilt. I have no idea how the quilt will turn out since I didn't wash the red fabrics and I'm using white blocks. I'm guessing the reds will run, but that's OK with me. The quilt is more of an experiment than anything else.
Helen tagged me for Why Do I Craft Meme. The rules are: Answer the following on your blog and then let five other bloggers know that you have tagged them to complete the meme.
1. When did you start to create and make crafts? I've been making things for as long as I can remember. My grandma was always doing some kind of handwork - cross stitch, needlepoint, bead work, sewing, crocheting. Grandma lived across the street so I spent lots of time with her. From the time I was a young child until my teenage years I was always making something with Grandma. You can read more about Dema
2. Why did you start creating? I've always loved to make things. As I child I did it to get attention. Not many of my friends made things so it was fun sharing with them what I made at Grandma's house. When I was in high school I didn't have as much time to create and then I got married and had children. For a few years I stopped creating. Then I needed an activity to keep me occupied when my first husband was in the Navy and out to sea. I started doing counted cross stitch then and I still have a few of those projects buried away somewhere. When I left my first husband I stopped creating for a while. Money was tight and I didn't have left over money for crafting. About 5 years ago I passed a truck that had a sign on the side that said "Art Lessons". I had always wanted to learn to draw so I sent an email to the address and was soon taking private art lessons. During those lessons I painted these two paintings that hang in my living room, this floor cloth of the 7th hole at Pebble Beach and this mosaic back splash for the kitchen.
3. Why do I create? I create because I don't know how not to create. I'm happiest when I'm creating something.
4. What do you create? These days I create I can with needle, thread and fabric. I love stitcheries. I have several baby and lap quilts waiting to be finished. Most of my UFOs are also lap size or larger. I think I need to start making smaller projects.
5. Has this changed since you began crafting? What has changed is my desire to try new methods and new fabrics. If someone asks for a pattern to be tested I'm in. However, I'm not a fan of mystery quilts. Does that make sense?
This meme has been making the rounds, so if you haven't been tagged yet, consider yourself tagged.