Friday, December 01, 2006

Fear of Red

Earlier this month I talked about a quilt I made for my BIL and how the red fabrics bled when I washed in cold water. Then I made it worse my using Carbona, not Synthrapol, to try and clean it. It is now sitting in my quilt chest waiting for me to decide what to do with it. it's not horrible looking, but certainly looks like a well-loved quilt that has been in too many washings.

Anyway, when I figured out which red fabric was the culprit I realized that I have some of the fabric, plus other untested red fabric l already cut for my red and white Streak of Lightning quilt. Now I'm afraid to even sort through all the baggies of squares to find the culprit fabric and replace it. At this point I don't even know what red fabric has been washed and what hasn't been washed. I'm even afraid to wash the quilt Tasha made for her nephew because there is red fabric in it (and I know that fabric has been washed!).

What can I do to get over my fear of red fabric? Please help me!

I found this beautiful wall hanging last year at a Retreat Center run by French Catholic nuns. It was made by one of the Sisters. I knew right away I was going to buy it. It's one of the few Christmas decorations we put up in our house. It's not that we're anti-Christmas, but with only two of us and the fact we go to everyone else's house at Christmas time, we just don't feel the need to decorate. We put up a Christmas tree the first year we lived in this condo, but because we live near the train tracks the building vibrates a lot and the tree kept falling over.

I've gotten my goodies from my on-line shopping last week. Yesterday was the Rowenta Iron. I used it a little bit this morning and so far I like it. It has a nice weight, gets hot quickly and works great on binding. Today my Ott light arrived. I haven't opened it yet, but will shortly. I hope it lives up to its reputation.

The storm that has swept across the country has finally made it to New England. Unfortunately for me, it's only going to be rain and wind and not my beloved snow. But I am home fighting the onslaught of a cold and don't have to face the weather directly. I can stay on the couch and watch the storm from here.


Carolyn said...

I wish I could help you with the red, but I'm in the same boat. I have a burgundy/white quilt that some friends made for me when I moved into this house. I held off washing it for a few years, but it finally needed it. Of course, the reds ran. I did get some of those Shout Color Magnet things in the mail and they I just need to buy some more and maybe I can get some more of it out. If nothing else, try those! Good luck!

Libby said...

A quilt that appears well loved doesn't have to be a bad thing. I use red all the time and *knock on wood* haven't run into a problem. I guess I would just say, like falling off a horse -- just get right back on. All reds can't be bad *s*

Marla said...

Can't help ya with the red other than use lots of color magnets in the wash. What is the harm in using the whole darn box if you are really nervous. What are you out but a couple of dollars. I LOVE my Ott lights..notice the pluralization.

Anonymous said...

i have very little in red fabrics. Luckily what i have used up till now has been okay. But if i was to buy more i would certainly be testing it before using it in a quilt.

Mary Johnson said...

I use a lot of red and am usually pretty lucky. I tend NOT to use white fabrics with it however. My favorite combination was the red/purple scrap quilts (I made 2) who would even know if the red ran?

I used a couple dye catchers when I washed Chris' red/beige wedding quilt and had a tiny bit of bleeding but with the scrappy beige/tan background fabrics it didn't really show.

So my advice is to use the red with a color combination that won't show or would minimally show any bleeding AND wash with a couple dye catchers and cold water.

Anonymous said...

Can you still use synthropol on it?

I'd go through the cut pieces for the upcoming project and swap out the offender - then just use color catchers when you first wash it - and have some synthropol on hand just in case!

Then, I'd start washing everything when you bring it home - or at least the reds!

Red and white looks so nice - you can't stay away from them forever!!

Sorry you didn't get any snow. We don't have here anymore either.

Patti said...

Oh - I hope you are able to fight off that cold. Being sick during the holidays is awful!

Don't dispair of the red. I have a quilt that bled the first time I washed it - years ago. I washed it several times since, as it was on our bed, and just figured "oh well". When I learned about synthrapol and retayne I decided to try washing it in both of them, because I couldn't figure out which one was the right one to use. I used both at the same time, and I couldn't believe it when all the red came out of the muslin! After all those years! I've washed it since with no trouble.

As far as the new one goes - find some dye magnets and use one when you wash it the first time. I'd also put both synthrapol and retayne in the wash water, following the directions.

Katie said...

I just learned about
Synthropol and Retayne. I wash all my fabric and dry on hot to shrink it. Once a medium blue bleed onto the other fabrics that I was washing with it. I didn't notice it and set the bleeding in when I dried the fabrics. You will love your Ott lite. Hope you got the one with the goose neck.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had some sage advice (too bad sage is green or I would have been punny or something, but alas I digress.) regarding the red, but I don't. I have a far to laizes faire attitude about the whole thing... I don't pre-wash (well I do on occasion - but that occasion is RARE) becasue I really like the crinkly look of a washed quilt. I have never had a bleeding problem - dumb luck on my part, I'm sure. I have heard that dye magnets help...

Anonymous said...

Oh one more thing, if the quilt does not look "pristine" people are more apt to use them! IMHO.

dot said...

I am sorry to hear of your red woes. Fortunatley I can't say I have experienced that problem and hopefully I won't now that I put it in writting. Just use red and don't be afraid of color. You can only do so much.

Paula, the quilter said...

I'm so glad I read (red LOL!) this post as I have an older quilt top that someone tried to wash and the red bled. I will try the Retayne and Synthrapol like Patti did.